Cupping Therapy
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body at defined acupuncture points. The needles are inserted over meridians that are energy channels, which circulate energy throughout the body. Acupuncture therapy clears the channels of any obstructions and relieves pressure that causes pain and illness. Common ailments are treated quickly and effectively with acupuncture and the therapy can reduce tension, ease backache, sciatica, arthritis, migraine and cramps, as well as rid the body of many diseases.
Fire cupping therapy, is a part of Chinese medicine that is used in conjunction with acupuncture, and involves applying pressure to an acupuncture point by creating a vacuum. Small glass jars or bamboo cups, about the size of a baby food container, are internally heated by fire and immediately applied to the acu-point. The rapidly cooling air within the jar creates a vacuum, and draws on the skin beneath, thus applying pressure to the acu-point. The suction pressure relieves stagnation in the affected channel and restores the flow of energy or qi, allowing the body to heal. Cupping therapy is a common traditional Chinese medicine treatment for respiratory tract infections such as, bronchitis and pneumonia. Muscular problems in the neck, shoulders and back can also be treated with cupping therapy.
Benefits attributed to the application of cupping include, stimulation of the blood vessels in an affected area, easing blood clots, clearing up bruised tissue and stimulating the body's circulation system. Cupping therapy is generally applied for about 15 minutes and leaves unsightly marks on the body for a few days. There is also a very slight risk of receiving minor burns, depending on the method of heating that is used. To allay patients fears, some cupping practitioners are now using suction pumps instead of heated vessels.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of very fine needles into the body at defined acupuncture points. The needles are inserted over meridians that are energy channels, which circulate energy throughout the body. Acupuncture therapy clears the channels of any obstructions and relieves pressure that causes pain and illness. Common ailments are treated quickly and effectively with acupuncture and the therapy can reduce tension, ease backache, sciatica, arthritis, migraine and cramps, as well as rid the body of many diseases.
Fire cupping therapy, is a part of Chinese medicine that is used in conjunction with acupuncture, and involves applying pressure to an acupuncture point by creating a vacuum. Small glass jars or bamboo cups, about the size of a baby food container, are internally heated by fire and immediately applied to the acu-point. The rapidly cooling air within the jar creates a vacuum, and draws on the skin beneath, thus applying pressure to the acu-point. The suction pressure relieves stagnation in the affected channel and restores the flow of energy or qi, allowing the body to heal. Cupping therapy is a common traditional Chinese medicine treatment for respiratory tract infections such as, bronchitis and pneumonia. Muscular problems in the neck, shoulders and back can also be treated with cupping therapy.
Benefits attributed to the application of cupping include, stimulation of the blood vessels in an affected area, easing blood clots, clearing up bruised tissue and stimulating the body's circulation system. Cupping therapy is generally applied for about 15 minutes and leaves unsightly marks on the body for a few days. There is also a very slight risk of receiving minor burns, depending on the method of heating that is used. To allay patients fears, some cupping practitioners are now using suction pumps instead of heated vessels.
Oze Parrot is an author, publisher and Internet marketing consultant.
Formerly a tourist operator and real estate business marketing consultant
Location: Queensland, Australia.
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Cupping Therapy
Formerly a tourist operator and real estate business marketing consultant
Location: Queensland, Australia.
You may republish this article as long as you include the name of the author and provide an active link to:
Cupping Therapy
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