Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Healing Power of Cupping Can Treat Your Back Pain ( Cupping Therapy )

Cupping Therapy

Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy that many of us have heard of but may not be sure of what it actually does. Well the good news is that it can help with back pain relief to injured or tight muscles and improve circulation of the blood. Most qualified acupuncturists are also trained in the art of cupping, whereby glass or plastic cups are placed on the affected muscle by applying suction. They are generally left on from three to fifteen minutes according to the judgement of the practitioner.

Whilst the cups are on the affected area, the muscle fibres are drawn into the cup by the suction hence loosening up the muscle and relieving pain. If a specific injury has occurred, small blood vessels within the muscle fibres will have been ruptured causing blood to pool within the muscle and get stuck there forming a type of glue that makes movement even more difficult and painful, cupping can help draw this blood out onto the surface of the skin.

Cupping is also often used in the treatment of frozen shoulders and swollen joints like knee joints, this is because, as well as blood, cupping can also draw out body fluids. When either of these is drawn out they don't come out in liquid form, but draw dark circles on the skin where the cups have been. The first time you are cupped you will probably see quite dark circles remaining which last for a few days, and as the treatments are repeated they should become less coloured as the area is healing. Do not be concerned about these marks as they are all part of the healing process, however you may want to dress accordingly for a few days so if you are planning a day at the beach it may not be such a good idea so soon after your treatment.

There are certain conditions for which cupping may not be appropriate, these include pregnancy, diabetes, lupus, haemophilia or any type of blood circulation disorder and in these cases your therapist or doctor will advise you. If you are adverse to the bruising and discoloration effect it may not be the right treatment for you either. If you do decide to go ahead make sure you find a registered practitioner who will talk you through the treatment and assess if it is appropriate for your condition before starting any treatment. Personally I think that in the battle to find back pain relief, having researched the subject thoroughly, I'm ready to give it a try.
Jan Griffiths maintains a regular blog about chronic back pain, and has written many articles specifically on upper back pain relief.
Cupping Therapy

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Cupping in Chinese Medicine ( Cupping Therapy )

Cupping Therapy

Chinese Medicine has been around for five thousand years. Cupping is just one of the treatments found in the practice. Along with the Chinese, the Egyptians and Islamic world have a history of cupping that goes back to thousands of years also.

To start out the cups were made from bamboo, horn, clay pottery and bronze. Today the modern cup can be made from glass, plastic and rubber. To make the vacuum, fire and hot water or oil would be used to heat up the cup. This would heat the air inside the cup, expanding the air in it. Then the heated cup would be place on oiled skin, when the air-cooled, a vacuum would be made by the shrinking air inside.

Today, a flame made by a candle or a cotton ball soaked in alcohol heats the cups. Some times alcohol is put in the cup a lit to heat it. A safer way to form a vacuum today is to use a vacuum pump that fits an air valve on top of the cup. The hand pump used, has much more control of the vacuum applied, and no threat of being burned by heat.

The main sections of the body that the cups are used on are the back and stomach. Sometimes the legs and arms will have cups put on them too. The cups made of rubber will conform to the bony parts of the body, but the fleshy parts of the body are generally used the most.

Much of the cupping done today is the dry type. The wet type of cupping is used when some blood loss is wanted. The skin is pierced before the cup is placed on. Under vacuum, a small amount of blood will flow out into the cup. This is used to pull out toxins and bad blood from the body.

The main conditions that cupping is used for are Respiratory conditions like bronchitis, asthma and congestion. Gynecological Disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and pain have been treated successfully also with cupping.

After the treatment, you will have marks left on the cupping areas. These marks can be as little as red rings where the cup mouth edges were put, up to round bruises that are the size of the cup mouth. The marks are large and deeper colored as the time the cups were left on increases. Generally, the marks should be gone in just a few days time.

D. Mill likes to write about Chinese Medicine. Go to his web site [http://healthyfitness-diet.com] to find out more about cupping and Chinese Medicine [http://healthyfitness-diet.com/traditional-chinese-medicine/cupping-therapy/] in general.
Cupping Therapy